Our skilled design and development team will increase the ease with which your website gets discovered on Bing and vastly improve your site’s ranking.
Bing matches keywords and phrases being searched for to most relevant websites containing those same keywords and phrases. However, the algorithm is much more complicated than simply matching the search terms to words on a website. At Vivid Concept we have years of experience optimizing for Bing and will help you optimize your website in a way that’s most likely to attract relevant customers, meaning those who are most likely to convert.
Like keywords, metadata is an additional SEO factor. Metadata is a summary of the page’s information. It is essential that metadata also uses keywords that are popular within the search engine. Our Los Angeles web company will make certain the metadata on all of your site’s pages is best optimized to be picked up by Bing.
Setting up links to other pages within your website has many advantages. They help users remain on your site for longer periods of time, have the ability to increase sales, and help SEO. Internal links enhance the search-optimized value of a website. Vivid Concept will add internal links that will both add to the user experience and make Bing more likely to rank your website higher.
Our job does not stop with researching keywords. We will write content for your website that best highlights key words and phrases. The more times these keywords are used, the higher your site will rank. Our expert team of writers will create content that best utilizes these words while maintaining readability.

Analytics is the final crucial component to optimization. Vivid Concept will provide you with reports on analytics, including the number of visitors to your site, how long they stayed on your site, what keywords got them to your site and more. This will not only help with SEO, it will help you better understand what works and what doesn’t work for your customers.